One of the many good things that come with getting older is the boldness and confidence to be who you really are. If you’re like me you just won’t play …
Continue ReadingWearing a Style That’s All Your Own

One of the many good things that come with getting older is the boldness and confidence to be who you really are. If you’re like me you just won’t play …
Continue ReadingIf it’s been a long time since you turned off the television and curled up with a good book, summer is the perfect time to fall in love with reading …
Continue ReadingEach and every day, including your birthday, should be a celebration of life. Just look how far you’ve come and all you’ve accomplished. Don’t waste one moment on regrets. Accentuate …
Continue ReadingSummer can be a deadly time for seniors, what with the hot weather and beating sun taking a toll. Since most of you seniors are pretty tough, you’ll suffer in …
Continue ReadingAs youngsters, most of us were touched quite often. Who doesn’t remember your mother’s cool hand placed gently on your forehead when you were sick? I remember momma laying me …
Continue ReadingOkay, if you’re the caregiver I know your hands are busy. Your loved one needs your help but chances are you’ve taken over everything! You feel overwhelmingly needed but how …
Continue ReadingEveryone needs to be needed and know they make a difference to others in this world. Our older population has a strong sense of values and one thing they cherish …
Continue ReadingWhen we’re young, we look mostly to the future. In later life, a lot of our joy comes from looking back. It makes sense. The young have more future than …
Continue ReadingAs a busy caregiver, you’re working all the time trying to fill all the needs of all those you love. So it’s really important to have those simple pleasures in …
Continue ReadingMany caregivers suffer from an ailment called “tunnel vision.” This dilemma is caused by an overwhelming amount of work and needs that need to be met to the point you …
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