Each and every day, including your birthday, should be a celebration of life. Just look how far you’ve come and all you’ve accomplished. Don’t waste one moment on regrets. Accentuate the positive! Each year we live should be worn like a badge of honor.
I’m not 19, 29, 39 or even 49. I’ll be 60 in just a few months. I wouldn’t go back to being younger — been there, done that. I’ve learned each moment is a gift to be celebrated. I just look at my parents who are in their 80’s and see how thankful they are despite their aches and pains. Their joy comes from being together or watching one of the great-grandchildren romping energetically in their yard. It’s coffee each morning on the porch — sharing the morning newspaper — simple things that make life worth living.
Counting My Blessings
Each day the sunny skies come up is a gift. We can choose how to live it, how to fill it, how to celebrate it. The possibilities are endless. Life should be savored and like I’ve told my children a thousand times, it’s all about attitude. I could spend my days wishing — to be thinner, to be richer, to be famous, to be influential. What a waste that would be. Today I choose to be thankful I am me. I choose to be the best me I can be — to learn more, to love deeply, to see the beauty of all that surrounds me. Without a single doubt, I know that I am blessed! I was born to be a blessing!
Let Me Count the Ways
I’m so thankful for my parents. They gave me a wonderful life generous with love. They were always there to encourage me, support me and relish in my accomplishments. They gave me wings.
I’m thankful for my children. They taught me so much more than I could ever teach them. There were many struggles, but now I know each day was truly a gift. It is an honor to be MOM!
I’m thankful for friends — you know the true ones. They pick me up when I’m feeling low (or just feeling sorry for myself). They give me a kick when I need one but comfort me when I’m sad or even just plain mad. They remember who I am when I have forgotten. It’s a pleasure to grow old with them.
I’m thankful for plants, birds, rocks and rivers — for the pleasure of each sunrise and sunset. I’m thankful for my warm bed at night and all the nourishment that sustains me. More importantly, I’m thankful to the God that created it all. I have learned that even in the worst of times, He has seen me — and walked me — through.