Maybe the phrase “the gift that keeps on giving” seems trite, but for some — in the right circumstances — it can fit charitable gift annuities. Whether a charitable gift …
Continue ReadingDoes a Charitable Gift Annuity Make Sense?

Maybe the phrase “the gift that keeps on giving” seems trite, but for some — in the right circumstances — it can fit charitable gift annuities. Whether a charitable gift …
Continue ReadingYour father is terribly disorganized. In fact, he is a messy slob whose idea of filing means stacks of papers in drawers, shoe boxes and closets. He always has been, …
Continue ReadingDid you know that you and everyone else in your state already have an estate plan? Yes you do, and it is absolutely free, at least at the outset. It’s …
Continue ReadingAwkward and difficult as it may seem, every family needs to have a serious discussion about the unthinkables, and those are the financial, legal and medical decisions that need to …
Continue ReadingIs there an ideal time to have this discussion that families instinctively want to avoid? (Read our companion article, Why You Need to Discuss the Unthinkable ) After all, who …
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