Doable Bucket Lists

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Everyone needs something to look forward to. Our older loved ones still have dreams and experiences they would like to accomplish. They may not be as grand as they once were, but their passions are still in their hearts and following those passions to even the smallest degree can bring great joy to them.

Just the conversation with them about what things they would like to do and experience will give you a lot of ideas on how you might be able to make some of them come true. It might be as small as wishing they could see an old friend once again, or visiting their old hometown. Most of our seniors are family-oriented, so perhaps they’d love to get the whole gang together just once again.

Discovering the Wish List Just Takes a Little Talking

Your dad might really enjoy seeing a professional sport game again or visiting a museum about trains or cars or planes or the military. Most cities have lots of museums. Find out what your dad likes and see what’s available in your vicinity.

Your mama might have always wished she can learn to paint or draw. Many of the senior centers have classes that can make that dream a reality. Museums offer discounted rates to take your senior to see all their collections of art. Perhaps you parent might love live music. Find out what kind they like and see what concerts are coming up in your area.

A Few Ideas to Explore

For those who have a passion for plants:

  • Drives in the springtime to see the wildflowers
  • A visit to an arboretum
  • Garden tours and public parks
  • Wineries often have lovely landscaping

For Those Who Loved to Travel:

  • A short train trip can be a lot of fun
  • A ride on a ferry or sight-seeing day cruise
  • Universities often have travel presentations
  • A day trip to an Interesting town designed like a place faraway

People and Places — Connecting Them

  • A family reunion
  • A lunch date with an old friend
  • A trip to where they grew up or raised their family — to see where they went to school and the old places they frequented.
  • A meal at a place that serves their favorite food can be fun!

Many venues have wheelchairs or scooters available for your senior to use. Keep your plans simple and take their lead on what they’d like to do. Plan more in the morning than in the afternoon. Most of us have more energy in the morning. Stop often when on day trips — take your time to make the most of the experience. For you overwhelmed caregivers — put a bug in the ear of other family members who might enjoy taking their loved one for a bucket list experience!



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