Most individuals qualify for Social Security if they are U.S. citizens or green card holders and have earned 40 “work credits” during their working life. The amount of earnings needed …
Continue ReadingCategory: Pensions – Savings – Investments
Expect the Unexpected Costs of Retirement
Social Security, pension benefits, and savings can combine to help seniors maintain comfortable lifestyles after retirement. Careful preparation and advice from a financial adviser can produce a plan that addresses …
Continue ReadingCreator, Steward or Consumer?
You have heard the old adage “Rags to Riches to Rags”, or “Shirtsleeves to Shirtsleeves in three generations”. It is not just a dynamic of western culture; it is actually …
Continue ReadingAre You Asking the Wrong Retirement Savings Question?
If you wonder what size retirement nest egg you will need in retirement, you are asking the wrong question. Instead you need to ask how much you spend. Once you …
Continue ReadingWho Is Looking After Your Retirement Funds?
The answer should be easy. Obviously you are the person who should be paying attention to your portfolio, understand how your money is invested, and monitor its gains and losses. …
Continue ReadingCan You Avoid Running Out of Money in Retirement?
In a September 2023 report, of workers across the United States, the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found that 45 percent of people of all ages cite running out of …
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