Awe is an overwhelming emotional response to something that a person perceives. The earliest appearances of the word “awe” were rooted in fear or dread, often associated with the divine. …
Continue ReadingFill Your Life with an AWE Walk

Awe is an overwhelming emotional response to something that a person perceives. The earliest appearances of the word “awe” were rooted in fear or dread, often associated with the divine. …
Continue ReadingA recent study concludes that moving into a senior living community promotes longevity. Research conducted by the nonpartisan organization NORC at the University of Chicago found that older adults who …
Continue ReadingMost people don’t need scientists to tell them that loving relationships have a positive impact on life. Research nevertheless confirms that married people are less likely than unmarried people to …
Continue ReadingAmericans in their 80s probably grew up listening to Elvis Presley. If they are a bit younger, they may have danced to the Beatles during their teen years. Seniors who …
Continue ReadingMedicine, technology, and a better understanding of the process of aging are helping people live longer lives. How people occupy their time as they grow older is also changing. The …
Continue ReadingA doctoral candidate in Canada noted that most North American research focusing on retirement has emphasized “the negative effects of life transition,” including the difficulty of adjusting to retirement and …
Continue ReadingThe last White House Conference on Aging was held in 2015. It commemorated the 80th anniversary of Social Security and the 50th anniversary of Medicare, Medicaid, and the Older Americans …
Continue ReadingSeptember is Healthy Aging Month— a time to focus on wellbeing during the process of aging. Developing habits that promote good health before retirement will maximize the opportunity to thrive …
Continue ReadingHaving nothing but free time after retiring from a stressful job may seem ideal. A few months into retirement, some older adults wonder what to do with themselves. Reentering the …
Continue ReadingSubversive behavior may be the key to aging well. A British study published in December 2022, of people born in 1921 found that “subversive tactics,” combined with humor, contribute to …
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