Taking One Day at a Time

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Trouble. There’s always enough to go around. Borrowing it from tomorrow is not always a good idea. Yes, we should be aware of what could happen, but dwelling on it may rob us of the joys of today.

There have been a lot of ups and downs lately with my parents. My daddy has been at death’s door a number of times and mama has been so worried and just plain tired out. But today is good. Daddy’s antibiotics are working and he’s feeling better. He even got out on the riding lawn mower and finished the parcel across the creek. That’s today. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring.

There have been weeks and weeks where daddy couldn’t get out of his recliner. He hates feeling useless. He gets depressed and starts thinking about dying. Then he tries to prepare my mama and me. At first I’d listen intently. Now, I just tell him, “There will be time to grieve when you are gone.”

Today I Will Be Happy

Yesterday was a tonic for me. I took two of my grandkids over to see my folks. Daddy drove the riding mower up to my truck and he had this huge smile on his face. The grandkids got out and gave him a big hug. He laughed and said, “How big you both are getting.” Just seeing him happy is such a joy to me. Seeing the grandkids is seeing the future and seeing hope for a better tomorrow.

Yes there are things we should be prepared for. My parents have plots for their graves. They have advanced directives for their medical care. They have their wills made out and have let me know what they want. These are all good but for today I just don’t have to think about any of them. Today I will be happy.

Attitude Is Everything

When one person in our family circle has a problem it can affect us all. Our job is to do what we can, when we can and show a lot of love along the way. Sometimes we do need to cry alone and with the one who is hurting. We just can’t live there and do our lives justice. Laughter and hugs are needed by all of us every day. We need to spread them around every chance we get. Accentuate the positive.

When my children were growing up, I must have told them a million times, “Attitude is everything.” It’s as true for me as it was for them. Sometimes I need a major attitude adjustment because attitudes are contagious.

I hope to be able to encourage each of you who have a huge job on your plate. While I know there is good information I need to share to make your caregiving a little easier, I think it’s just as important to tell you, “You will get through this. You are doing a marvelous act of love.”

Take Care of Yourself

I also want to remind you always to take good care of yourself. You are important, so very important. You have become the glue that keeps everyone together. Be strong but be wise.

May your journey be as happy and interesting and fulfilling as humanly possible. None of us are promised tomorrow. We really need to make the most of today.

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