Two weeks ago, my daddy was on death’s door. Momma said “You have to face it, Karen. Your daddy isn’t going to be here much longer.”
Needless to say, I cried for days. I begged him to see the doctor. I worried about my momma who was worn out and stressed. I called all the kids and like me they were worried. All the kids brought the great-grandkids over for a visit. The emotions were off the charts.
Finally I got him to go to the emergency room. Momma was so tired and stressed that she stayed home. He told me on the way that he didn’t think he’d ever see home again. I choked back the tears and told him he’d be all right. I only half believed what I was saying.
Well that was two hospital visits and a load of antibiotics ago. This week daddy’s mowed half of their two acres, went to Walmart for groceries and yesterday waited in line at the DMV to get his driver’s license renewed.
Daddy’s ordeal all started with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Younger people usually know that they have a UTI, but older people don’t have many symptoms until it gets really bad — no burning while urinating or horrendous back aches. Like daddy, many of them wait until they’re at death’s door to get some help. My daddy was lucky. He didn’t have to go on dialysis.
Daddy’s doing great. Momma and I are still recovering. Momma called yesterday.
“That man!” she said. “He is so spoiled. That’s gotta change. It took me four trips to the kitchen today to get him a sandwich he would eat. After the fourth try I was ready to throw it at him.”
Now I bet you’re wondering, who exactly spoiled “that man”?
We made it through this time. I learned a hard lesson — a loved one can take a turn for the worse at the drop of a hat. I also learned I will not take “no” for an answer when it comes to my parents’ health. Next time, I’ll just call 911 or get my boys to load him up in the car regardless of what he says.
Perhaps life throws us these rather horrible hiccups to get us ready for when we do lose a loved one. I also learned that even if it’s daddy who is sick, I need to also keep a watchful eye on my momma. She is a trooper but even she has her limits. The stress has taken a toll. She’s more forgetful and takes more naps, but that’s okay. I believe she’ll get better.
I can help by being there for her even if it’s to deliver her drug of choice — Pepsi. Running to the store and delivering them a meal was so appreciated as daddy was recovering. Small things can mean a lot.
I will tell you its times like these that I wished I wasn’t an only child. Somebody should be suffering right along with me!