Scooter falls – Dad unable to get up

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    My dad has been using scooters to get around for the past four years. He has a big one and a small one. He told me yesterday that he accidentally tipped his small scooter over while going down the street and that people saw him and got out of their cars to help him out. That totally freaked me out. He is not able to get himself upright if he falls over. Should I take his scooters away? That would be horrible for him.


    Have you noticed any cognitive changes in your Dad? Do you think his judgment has changed and he is not as safety minded as he was? If this is the case, a doctor can assess him to see if he is still safe to ride his scooter. The doctor might also recommend some safety training and education for your Dad such as a referral to an Occupational Therapist who could work with your Dad to help him learn to be safe on his scooter. If at all possible, help your Dad keep his scooter as long as possible, and work with the doctor or health care professionals together to make that decision.


    Vito Peabody

    <p>Hope your dad is ok right now</p><div id=”favimImage” style=”background: url(‘chrome://Favim/skin/icon24.png’); width: 24px; height: 24px; cursor: pointer; z-index: 99999; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: none;”> </div>


    Jose Schaefer

    <p>Hello Simon! Taking away scooter is not right decision. My grandfather also falls from his scooter. Then I purchased scooter holders for him that screws into the armrest of the scooter. You can also try these scooter accessories to give extra protection and prevent falls from scooters. These accessories are easily available in the market and online stores like SpinLife, Amazon etc. You can check it.<br />Hope this could help you!</p>

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